
My Journey of Self-Discovery: A Sneak Peek into Karie's World

Hey all! Karie here. I wanted to take some time just to give you a little sneak peek into who I am. I have been on this journey of self-discovery for a couple of years and if you've been following me at all you know that I've made a huge leap into starting my own business, bringing focus and centering myself so I can really do things that feed my passion and purpose. 

One thing that I've learned about myself is that I’m not a big planner, I like to let things fall into place however, I'm also a processor so I like to take the time when options and ideas come to me to not jump into big decisions but to take the time to really think through and weigh my options.

I've realized that not everyone thinks this way. While I work with people who love to make spontaneous decisions who see the big picture and are ready to just jump both feet in and try things out, I also work with people who want to know more detail who would like an outline of how things are going to go maybe even some data or research before making a decision.

I realized that this situation is not at all unique to myself and my colleagues. These personalities are in every workplace in every team in every group that we work with I've also found that there are really helpful tools out there that can help us learn to communicate with one another not only just to learn about myself and what is it that I need from others in order to be a great team player but then how do I communicate to the rest of the team my needs and also be able to recognize the needs of team members that are different than mine.